Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for reserving space and planning an event at the UNM Student Union Building.


How far in advance should my organization/department place a catering order and reserve a room?

Your organization/department should place a catering order and reserve a room seven business days in advance.

Can my organization/department bring food from outside vendors to the SUB for our event?
No.  Bringing in food from outside vendors to your event is a violation of the Room Reservation Policy.  Chartwell’s offers various catering options for SUB events.
Will my reservation be confirmed?
Yes, the Event Planning and Scheduling Office will email you a  confirmation of your reservation.


Are there fees for the rooms in the SUB for chartered student organizations?

Chartered student organizations may reserve meeting room space in the SUB located on the 3rd floor at no charge. Reference CSO Guidelines for additional information.

When is my full payment due?

If your student organization is receiving funding through ASUNM or GPSA, an internal requisition form must be submitted a week before the event.  If your student organization is not receiving funding through ASUNM or GPSA, a check in the name of the student organization for the full charge is required a minimum of three days before the event.  Your student organization must pay all of its outstanding charges to the SUB before it will be allowed to schedule future events.

What if I need to cancel my reservation?

Your student organization must give notice of cancellation to the UNM Event Planning and Scheduling Office at least three days before the event.


Are there fees for the rooms in the SUB for UNM Departments?

All UNM Departments may reserve space for meetings and/or events in the SUB at the discounted UNM Departmental Rate.  Contact the UNM Event Planning and Scheduling Office for more information.

When is my full payment due?

UNM Departments must submit the SUB Request for Pre-Approval, including payment information required by the UNM General Accounting Office, at least one week prior to scheduling space/catering with the SUB.

What if I need to cancel my reservation?

Please refer to the SUB Event Planning contract for information regarding cancellation guidelines and fees.